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Coronavirus Investment Update #7

Writer's picture: Matthew RamerMatthew Ramer

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Dear Clients & Friends,

We, along with many other respected financial professionals, are bewildered by the market’s recent strength. Although such strength has given us room to breathe, we think that the market levels (as of this Thursday) are inappropriately, even illogically, high.

We have a few theories as to why this is happening. We have been tracking both domestic and foreign “money flows” - where money is coming from and where it is going. In addition, we’ve also continued to follow the Argus Vickers Index, which is a measure of insider purchases and sales; we have found this metric to be extremely useful in predicting under/overvalued markets. No matter the impact either of these forces is having, market momentum itself is clearly adding to the underlying strength thereof. This momentum has likely been influenced by the slightly more optimistic news of late. So, let’s explore what we do and don’t know about the current COVID-19 situation. I’ll give you a hint about our conclusion: it seems that the public is seeing signs of short-term improvement, but the lasting effects of the short-term economic challenges brought on by COVID-19 are being underestimated.


Growth rate

Although we continue to see case counts rising, that rise is unavoidable at this stage of the pandemic and will continue for some time. Expect it—and don’t assume it means that things are getting worse. Right now, the metric that signals whether things are getting better or worse is how quickly, in percentage terms, the cases are growing. Here, the news is better.

In the chart below, you can see that growth rates around the world are now at or below 10 percent. This number is not great. In fact, it implies that total cases will double in just over a week. But to put things in perspective, it is substantially better than the 15 percent of a week ago here in the U.S. (which doubled cases every five days) and the 30 percent of a couple of weeks ago (which doubled cases in less than three days).

Another way to look at this chart is to view case growth as a representation of the steepness of the case growth curve. When we say “flattening the curve,” what we really mean is slowing the growth rate, which is just what we see above. As growth rates decline, the curve gets flatter and the likelihood of overloading the health care system declines. Again, we are not out of the woods yet, but we are getting much closer. If current trends continue, we can reasonably expect to be turning the corner in the next month or so.

Confirmatory testing

Other trends are positive as well. After a slow start, testing for the virus is now around 150,000 per day. There has been a slowdown in the growth rate in the past couple of days, but the testing rate should be poised to rise again in the next week. Again, it’s not where it should be, but it's much better than it was and likely to improve further.

Less good is the next chart, which shows the percentage of positive results on each day’s tests. The higher the positive results, the more the tests are being applied to confirm existing infections, rather than to find new infections or to establish population information to better manage the future control of the virus. The initial spike at the end of last month seems to have been due to expansion of confirmatory testing in New York City, as that cluster of cases hit high growth rates. The current rise seems to be due to other cities that are now hitting the expansion phase. We need greatly expanded testing to help determine population statistics; when the percentage of positive results gets back to the 10–15 percent range, it will be a good indicator that test availability is catching up with the need. That should come as the tests per day rise again, which takes us back to the first chart.

Headlines are ahead of themselves

These charts provide the underlying rationale for many of the current headlines, which are now speculating about peak virus and how the pandemic is being brought under control. As usual, the headlines are ahead of themselves. We can see from the first chart that U.S. cases are still rising at 9 percent per day. So, cases will keep rising, and the new cases per day are set to double in the next eight days. Similarly, while testing availability is much better, it’s still not where it needs to be. Don’t get too excited by the headlines just yet.

The takeaway from the data so far is that we have made meaningful progress in controlling the virus: we know what to do, we are doing it, and it is working. We are, however, only about halfway through the process at best. If current trends persist, we are still several weeks away or more from seeing new infections drop to zero.

End in sight?

The difference between now and the start of the pandemic is that we can at least see the end. We can see that we have flattened the curve, and we can reasonably project when the pandemic will be brought under control. We are not at that point yet, but at least we can see it. And that is a very positive takeaway from the data thus far.


What Next?

In and our view, the current strength will soon pass, and the market will be back in a downward direction. We are not big on making short-term predictions, although we have had a high success rate with the few that we’ve made over the last few years. Nevertheless, we will continue to make the best use of our resources in order to navigate these waters.

So far, most clients continue to outperform their relative risk-based benchmarks. The spread is not as large as it was a week ago because we have a large cash position and the markets have been trending up - but so far, we are still in the lead. We plan to maintain our safety stance for the time being. We think that the markets will soon test prior lows, and possibly fall even further.

We want to thank our good friend Brad McMillan for his input. We’d also like to wish our entire family of clientele a wonderful and healthy holiday weekend.

All our love,

-Your MORWM family


Matthew Ramer, AIF® Principal, Financial Advisor MOR Wealth Management, LLC 1801 Market Street, Suite 2435 Philadelphia, PA 19103 P: 267.930-8301 | c: 215-694-4784 | f: 267.284.4847 | 601 21st Street, Suite 300 Vero Beach, FL 32960 P: 772-453-2810 | The majority of this content was written and distributed MOR Wealth Management, all rights reserved. Securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, Member FINRA/SIPC, a registered investment adviser. Fixed insurance products and services offered through CES Insurance Agency.


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