Dear clients and friends,
First, please join the MORWM family in celebration of LGBTQ Pride Month! Many of you have seen this sign before. This is the wireframe from the design of our signage, which Patricia made especially colorful. We now hang this over our permanent signage each and every month of June.

Although we have an awfully long way to go before we can celebrate equal rights, in our lifetime we’ve seen tremendous courage, change, and significant increase in the acceptance of our LGBTQ friends and family. This month, we celebrate the progress of the past, and hope for acceleration of that progress in the future.
Moving along, we are skipping this week’s reading because we have been spending a great deal of time preparing our mid and long-term forecast for the remainder of 2017, as well as for 2018 and 2019. The reason this report is taking more time than usual is because our forecast includes a possible recession sometime between late 2018 and mid-2019. This should not instill fear in anyone, but consider this a teaser alert: next weekend’s reading will be very important, so stay tuned!
Have a lovely weekend.